Friday 22 March 2002 about 10 o'clock local time, Israel Radio proclaim bomb explosion in a supermarket Nataynya, near Jerusalem. This caused three people killed and more than 40-orangluka injury. Alleged perpetrators of a strong Palestinian girls.
Republika quoted a report on 3 July 2002, the bombing of a martyr is the fact that a teenager aged 16 years old daughter, Ayat al-Akhras name.
For his family, syahidnya Ayat al-Akhras also quite surprising. Although that is syahidah highest ideals of his son, Al-Akhras Ny still just feel lost. With eyes tear, he repeats the words of the children when discussions concerning jihad an obligation for every Muslim Palestinian people. "What nikmatnya living death in the world when we always lurk. What a beautiful, death and humiliation in ketidakberdayaan or killed in the jihad field."
Shaadi Abu Laan (20), Paragraph prospective husband, termangu some time when the news is up to him. He nearly did not believe Verse mendahuluinya go so fast. But this July, Shaadi clear, "We are planning to officially settle. Begitu Paragraph pass the exam, we will occupy the house didekor not that simple." They, write Azaalcity, is one half of this year my fiance (khitbah). Both have been set up even the name 'Adiyy baby first.
Comrade young Muslims, Palestinian children are raised in environments full of conflict. Day after day difficulties of living they knit, crochet obstacles, and discount sewing nestapa life. They grow to be children rather than a more mature age. That is why they grow into the next generation fighter and a brave abstinence up. Beda banget with children who are living in a completely comfortable environment. Yes, perhaps we, as we here. We do not live nearly a hurdle, which means, perhaps even a bit of a challenge. Therefore, we are not motivated to fight and to create a more innovative in this life.
We-we who live in a safe area, especially gemah ripah loh jinawi, and tend to be slow in nyantai activity. Even that is going to remove so much spare time for the party and yippee-yippee. Try to see the life of adolescents United States, France, Saudi Arabia, Japan, including in this country. Nearly all nyantai. More severe in our country. Never ancur current state-ancuran, eh, life remajanya also amburadul. Severe deh!
Comrade young Muslims, Ayat al-Akhras is the example for us. How the struggle of life is no need of a few. Even he must be willing to marry memupus dreams with the youth worship heart. He prefers to become a martyr. Beautiful!
Verse, according to ABC News, including a child smart and diligent study. Until the time the syahidnya, he still diligently exhort his friends to continue to study and learn. "Control of science and technology is very important and necessary to support our struggle, of any shape."
Hayfaa, friend, berujar, "He always preach that we must learn to run, despite obstacles and dangers threatening us around."
About jihad, Paragraph always said, "Jihad is the obligation of each Muslim. Including women. Why should we let our lives terenggut futile savagery zionis by Israel." Death of a mujahid, said he will raise the courage mujahid-mujahid others, not vice versa.
Paragraph Hayfaa not think that as soon as a martyr. In last days, he diligently collected pictures Palestinian mujahid. Study in table rows slogan-jihad slogans and heroic. "He went to join the other line martyr." (Republika, 3 July 2002)
Comrade young Muslims, verse, according to data Islamic Crescent Movement, is now recorded as syahidah both in Palestine or in the sixth line of action bomb martyr during the year 2002. Syahidahpertama is Wafa Idris (27), widow of flowers work as paramedics in Ramallah. He was killed in action before the end of January 2002 is a cause of Israel killed 100 people and harm the other.
In Palestine, action bomb martyr himself had held at least in the last 21 months and involve at least 250 mujahid, generally under the age of 30 years.
Not terror
Most people, especially those who hate Islam, his action kamikaze fighter as a form of Palestinian terror with a suicide bomb. This is the term that is very painful for us. Overtly poignant and annoyed when hearing or reading the news with the term suicide bombing. Press West deliberately expose such cases in the hope that the international condemn the action of the noble Palestinian combatants. I really evil?
Ironically, some of our misguided with their news, often close to the top of the warrior-soldier treatment Jewish citizens of Israel on Palestine. Perhaps, many of us who did not think a bit to criticize Jews. Wah, gaswat!
Comrade young Muslims, the Western press underhanded. They are always small things expose the Palestinian combatants in the fight Israel. For example, in telling about this bomb martyr. Kamikaze the combatant Palestinian diplintir like. Precisely their mendramatisir event, complete with frill Palestinian terror is over Israel. And that usually will be a justification (justification) countermeasure that Israel is far more formidable. You can see yourself, how the troops return to Israel-Jewish city of Jenin on hanguskan the Ariel Sharon of the wicked, as a reprisal action.
Perhaps because of provocation eaten accidentally press the western end of Islam is also part of the press look follow-up cynical people's struggle against the Palestinians before, as with the call, that terror does not solve the problem, and even bring death futile. Where, tega really give?
The question now, what terror is all evil? It's good you understand why some do actions combatant Palestinian terror in the opponent-lawannya (Israel and the minion-anteknya). First, I want terror Palestinaitupun said teroradalah counter terror, that is, the action balasanterhadap terror, tyranny, and oppression of Israel against the Palestinian nation as philosophy cliche, selemah-poor worms, I also diinjek stretch.
Second, Palestine is a terror action to prove the existence of the Palestinian nation's water seized Jewish land of Israel. This is exactly the attack with the General or attacks on Morning Yogyakarta on 1 March 1949 by India's freedom fighter, who proved to the world that the international still exists.
And third, above all, the Palestinian terror is seen as part of jihad. Hence, the Palestinian terror while berdimensi humanitarian, political, and also relijius. So, not a vanity, buddy!
What is Israel? That is certainly called terror dong. Oops .., not only terror, but at the same time raiding, pillaging and slaughter. Terlaknat Jewish!
Not suicide
Comrade young Muslims, action bomb martyr of the Palestinian combatants average is still young bukanlan suicide. For, we are sure of, they are not likely to make suicide. Suicide is not only action but clearly incompetent sin. Messenger of Allah. He said: He killed himself with a sharp iron, the tool that will use it in the stomach dihunjamkan to come in later in the Fire; in it everlasting and eternal. He killed himself with the poison, and soon the fire blasted poison will be drunk with his hands, he remained in it eternal. Whoever plunge from a mountain (that high) to suicide, he will dive in the Fire; in it everlasting and eternal. (HR Ahmad, Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidzi, Nasai, and Ibn Majah from Abu Hurairah ra, in al-Fath al-Kabir III/224)
The jihad activities, such as action bomb martyr is our brother in Palestine, in which the activity can bring to the death (according to the definitive sunatullah) or the risk of death for the perpetrators, it will include exception from the generality of the prohibition law suicide . Allah says: O Prophet, kobarkanlah the spirit of the Believers to fight (TQS al-Anfl [8]: 65)
Comrade young Muslims, the commentary of experts connect this verse with a history that relate to erupt before the War Badr al-Kubra, the Prophet. has said: Bersegeralah (a place) that there is (can) reach Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth. Then Umair bin Al-Humam ask, Is it wide as the heavens and the earth Yes, answer He, serayaUmair said, wah, wah, wah (epic). Then Prophet. And said, What mendorongmu say wah, wah, wah? The answer, Because I hope to be penghuninya. He then said, You certainly become penghuninya. Then the man that the sword scabbard ago issued a few grains dates. Eat some and discard the rest and said, If I am still alive until I spend these dates then this life is too long it was rushing forward to the future, the fight against the enemy (religion) until he died a martyr. (Shahih Muslim No. 1901, and Tafsir Ibn Katsir II/325).
Yup, it is not self, but part of the jihad activities. Dr Abdul Aziz Al-Rantisi, a Hamas leader, the suicide is usually done by desperate people who want to run away from problems. While the action is done with the intention martyr want to solve the problem, eliminate oppression. Al-Fidaii 'of life' gets done with the hope and grace of God Ridha. ''We do not doubt the least forward this action jihad until Israel hengkang from Palestinian areas.''(Republika, 5 July 2002)
We also want to be martyr
Comrade young Muslims, it seems very reasonable as you make us a good example of action the Palestinian kamikaze fighter. They are still a young age. But a matter of courage and spirit berkorbannya able to beat anyone. Hopefully we can also like them. Strengthened the desire in our hearts. That we also want to become a martyr in the struggle defend the religion of God.
Because we believe that death as a martyr is a glory and beauty of course. Firman Allah SWT.: Verily Allah has purchased of the believers, their property and themselves by giving them to heaven. They fight in the way of Allah and they kill or killed. (At-TQS Taubah [9]: 111)
Comrade young Muslim prayer our brothers in Palestine we are able to destroy them so that the strength of Jewish and Israel stooge-antkenya (United States, England, and all the countries that support Israel Zionisme barbarian action). One word against Israel is a jihad. Not peace. Because, peace will only be pleased to make Israel and its stooge petinggi-anteknya. Instead, Palestinian people will still suffer. I was then when they fought against the Jews of Israel must die, I hope they become a martyr.
Comrade young Muslims, whether we do not want to get as their reward? We also have to have noble ideals such as those. Yes, become a martyr. Allahu Akbar! ?
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