Friday, February 13, 2009

artikel by miftahussalam

ZIONISME: A NASIONALISME betray the secular Judaism 

Zionisme brought to the agenda in the world in the late-late-nineteenth century by Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), an Austrian journalist Jewish origin. Both Herzl and colleagues are the people who have confidence in a very weak, if not there at all. They see the "Judaism" as the name of a race, not a society believe. They propose to the Jews as a race separate from the nations of Europe, impossible for them to live together, and that means it is important for them to build their own. They do not rely on religious thought when deciding what land it should. Theodor Herzl, the founder Zionisme, a time to think Uganda, and this is known as the "Uganda Plan." The Palestinians then decided Zionis. The reason is considered to be the Palestinians' historic homeland for the Jews, "compared to all the religious interests of any of them for them.

Farmers and the Wall in front of Lamentations, which describes the Zionis leader Max Nordau, Theodor Herzl, and Prof.. Mandelstamm, depict "Zionis Dreamland."
The Zionis make great efforts to invite the Jews to receive another idea that is not appropriate in this. The World Organization Zionis perform a new propaganda effort in almost every major country that has Jews, and began to think that Jews can not live in peace with other nations and that they are "race" is separate. Therefore, they must move and occupied Palestine. Most of the Jews ignore this Call.

According to the statesman of Israel Amnon Rubinstein, "Zionisme (Preview) is a stab in the top of their (Jewish) synagogues and the Rabbi" .15 Therefore, many Jews who criticize ideology Zionisme. Rabbi Hirsch, one of the leading religious leaders at that time said, "Zionisme want to name the Jews as a national institution .... That is an aberration." 16

Islam French thinker Roger Garaudy renowned figure in this case a discussion of:

Confidence worst enemy of Jews who are far ahead of the logic nationalist, racist, incendiary, and kolonialis from Zionisme nationality, born of the nationalism, racism, colonialism and 19th century in Europe. This logic, the Western Conference and all the colonial war between all the other nationalism with nationalism, which is a logic to kill themselves. There is no future or security for Israel and there is no security in the Middle East unless Israel understand Zionismenya leave and return to the religion of Abraham, which is inherited together, are religious, and the brotherhood of the three religious revelation: Judaism, Christian, and Islam.17

In this way, Zionisme entered the world as a political ideology that follow rasis understand that Jews should not live together with the other nations. First, this is a mistaken idea that created the problem and the severe pressure on the Jews who live in these cuffs. Then, for the people of Islam in the Middle East, understand this policy to bring about Israel and the region struggling with poverty, terror, bloodshed, and death.

In short, Zionisme is actually a form of secular nationalism that came from the secular philosophy, not from religion. However, as in other forms of nationalism, Zionisme also trying to use religion for their own purpose.

Error of law by the Zionis

Torah is a holy book revealed to the Prophet Moses. Allah said in Al-Qur'an: "Verily We have sent down the Book in the Torah (a) guidance and light (the light) ..." (Al-Qur'an, 5:44). Al-Qur'an also says that the Torah will then be stained by the word man in it. This is why what we have at this time is the "law of the deviant."

However, a closer study reveals the most truth in the religion of the Book who had revealed this, such as faith in God, penghambaan themselves to Him, be thankful to Him, to fear God, to God's love, justice, love, love, the cruelty and injustice, all found in the Torah and other books of the Old Testament.

Apart from this, the war that occurred in the history of the murders occurred and therefore also mentioned in the Torah. If people want to find a basis, despite the fact distort, to cruelty, slaughter, and murder, they can make the chapters in the Torah as a reference. Zionisme choose how to validate the absolute terorismenya, which is actually a fascist terrorism. And, this is very successful. For example, using Zionisme chapters (of the Torah) is associated with war and slaughter for slaughter legitimize Palestinian people that is not sinful. In fact, this is an interpretation of the sheer number. Zionisme use religion to legitimize fasismenya and ideology rasisnya.

The Zionis also base their statements on their interpretation of the verses dealing with "the choice" that had dikaruniakan God to the Jews a time. Some of Al-Qur'an verses dealing with this problem:

Hai Bani Israil, ingatlah akan ni'mat-Ku yang telah Aku anugerahkan kepadamu dan (ingatlah pula) bahwasanya Aku telah melebihkan kamu atas segala umat45. (Qur'an, 2:47)

Dan sesungguhnya telah Kami berikan kepada Bani Israil Al Kitab (Taurat), kekuasaan dan kenabian dan Kami berikan kepada mereka rezki-rezki yang baik dan Kami lebihkan mereka atas bangsa-bangsa (pada masanya). (Qur'an, 45:16)

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